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2014 Event Gallery

Jumping Ant Arts major project for 2014 was "Going Potty in the South Burnett". It was able to be held with the assistance of a Regional Arts Development Fund Grant. Activities included a 'Give it a Go' community day. Six days of pottery workshops, an exhibition showcasing the participants work at the Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery and an open day where JAA members demonstrated a range of art mediums and crafts.

"Give it a Go" Day at the Library

This event was held at the Kingaroy Library and provided an opportunity for members of the public interested in pottery to 'Give it a Go'. Sessions were conducted throughout the day with nearly thirty adults and children taking home a sheep using a pinch pot technique.


Going Potty in The South Burnett Workshops

Comprehensive tutoring was provided by Fay Stumm, locally recognised potter. Over three weekends participants achieved a level of competency in a range of hand building methods including coiling, slab, magic pots and pinch pots, and used a range of different clays. On the last day they made an item of their own design which was included in a Gallery exhibition. It was terrific that some participants were from the 'Give it a Go' community day.


Art In Life

At the beginning of September an open day was held at the 1913 Council Chambers. It was a have a go day. Demonstrations were given of rug making, weaving, charcoal drawing, pastel drawing and handmade prints. A mini silk painting workshop was also held. Visits to the Kingaroy Art Gallery were also held to view the "Life Matters" exhibition and the pottery display. A talk was given by guest speaker, artist Lee Porter titled "What is Art".

Pottery Display in Kingaroy RegionalArt Gallery

After all the work came back from being through their firing process, some of the work was exhibited in one of the smaller galleries in the Kingaroy Art Gallery. Hundreds of items were made during the workshops and this is just part of a selection of works displayed at the Gallery.

Life Matters Exhibition


A very successful exhibition called "Life Matters" was held in the main gallery of the Kingaroy Art Gallery for the months of August and September. Work was exhibited by 12 of our members.

Silk Painting Days 

Two silk painting days were held in 2014. After an initial practice on a small piece of silk we got to and painted a silk scarf each. Everyones work was different, and some lovely scarves were created. We learnt how to use gutta as a resist and the use of salt for interesting effects.

Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
Silk scarf
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