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About our group

President                                Francis van Vegchel

Secretary/Newsletter Editor Fay Stumm

Treasurer                                Darryl Jones

Exhibition Coordinator          Melody Cook 

Website Manager                   Suzi Wells 

Social Media                           Melody, Suzi and Sam Blanch

Jumping Ant Arts Inc. is a local not for profit art group based in Kingaroy with members from the South Burnett and surrounding areas. Members meet once a month on the first and  third Wednesdays of the month at the 1913 Council Chambers on Edward Street Kingaroy (behind the Kingaroy Art Gallery and Information Centre.) The group has members from many different artistic backgrounds, both in their choice of medium and level of expertise, from Ceramics to Printmakers and from beginners to artists who are very accomplished in their field.


Each month there is a focus on a specific form of art. Some months an outside tutor is brought in, sometimes one of the group members shares their knowledge, and occasionally there are months where everyone just brings in their current project.


Approximately once a year the group hold an exhibition where members have the chance to display their work (usually in the Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery) and offer it for sale. There is a theme chosen by the members for each exhibition, and the work is centred around this theme.

Our history

In December 2009 Jumping Ant Arts Inc. was formed as an incorporated group.

It began as a response to the need for a focal point – a generator to stimulate and nurture a lively arts culture in the local area.


As a not for profit community arts group, its aims were to:
    * ·    encourage artists and arts workers

    * ·    work together and celebrate diversity


    * ·    support and mentor others who wish to explore                 their creativity

    * ·    enrich the arts and community of the South                       Burnett Region

    * ·    carry Public Liability Insurance and organise                     workshops, exhibitions and studio and gallery                   visits.

Over the years Jumping Ant Arts Inc. has met regularly at the 1913 Council Chambers in Edward Street Kingaroy, members sharing their knowledge and increasing their skills, holding fundraising events, community workshops and exhibitions.

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All images on this website are the copyright of the respective artist. Permission must be granted to use any image from this site.

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